MATHESON — The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released a preliminary report on a small Colorado plane crash in Elbert County ... it was a shallow, high speed impact with ...
November 2020, Paper: "How well do people know their social position relative to others in society and how does their position shape their views on the fairness of unequal outcomes? We provide new ...
And she undoubtedly thought her job performance would be judged on her ability to stanch the exposed suffering on L.A.’s streets. But two years into her tenure at the helm of the nation’s ...
He replies that there is a lot they do not know about their high school, hinting at unrevealed secrets concerning its ability to accommodate ghosts. Martin is ready to explain everything to Janet, but ...
Lori Ann Bryant of Goobies, N.L., says she heats her home with an efficient ... Glenda Power, spokesperson for Newfoundland Power, says bitter cold and high winds contribute substantially to ...
WINCHESTER - Stefanie ... the school system. First, she would continue the work on literacy reform to ensure the implementation of an evidence-based curriculum that is focused on high-quality ...
The county was also under a high wind warning on Monday, with sustained winds expected to be between 40 and 50 mph, with gusts of up to 70 mph. Firefighters respond to a grass fire in Elbert ...
Selecting the Lancaster-Lebanon League’s top boys basketball players was challenging this season. There were eight 1,000-point scorers and many valuable contributors to winning teams. The league ...
The Lancaster-Lebanon League's boys basketball section all-stars as chosen by the league's coaches. SECTION ONE R.J. Young, Cedar Crest (unanimous) DeAndre Jones, McCaskey (unamimous) Tyler Gray ...
ELBERT COUNTY, Colo. — Federal agencies are investigating a small plane crash in Elbert County that left one person dead Saturday. The Elbert County Sheriff's Office said they learned of the ...
ELBERT COUNTY, Colo. — A pilot of a small plane did not survive after crash landing in a field near the town of Matheson in Elbert County Saturday. It happened around noon Saturday in a field near ...
Southern California’s unusually warm winter weather this week broke five temperature records Thursday as a strong high pressure system pushed the thermometer to around 15 degrees above normal ...