I had always believed, and perhaps thought I had known, that from time immemorial, faith in God was the foundation upon which ...
It is proclaimed to justify their actions and quiet their critics. And it is proclaimed to silence the greatest critic of all – the soul. The soul feels and has compassion. And the soul knows that the ...
Actor Jonathan Roumie told UPI he hopes audience members incorporate watching the Season 5 Holy Week episodes of "The Chosen" ...
This is Chaplain Harry, chaplain with the Disabled American Veterans sharing some thoughts on what happened from the cross to the throne. We start by reading from John 1:1, where ...
Our true and permanent identity is something that hasn’t yet fully come about. Jesus’ transfiguration also reveals his true ...
Probably every one of us has a friend, coworker or acquaintance who has uttered the following commonplace about ethical ...
To go and proclaim the Gospel, we first need to set down the burden of our history at the feet of the Lord, to consign to him ...
As we prayerfully take a step back from conflict to gain a spiritual view, the peace God has established becomes more apparent to us.
While strong faith can be healthy, the intellectual arrogance and cognitive rigidity of true believers can result in ...
“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die,” the ...
This week on social media, President Russell M. Nelson, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Erying, all of the First Presidency, testified of Easter, the Resurrection and the “most ...
The question many of us have asked ourselves over the last several years: “How did a movement like ‘Black Lives Matter’ ...