Why would we want a higher doctrine of scripture than we have of Jesus?
In this column, we are going to look at the way the Church is the hope for a hopeless society. Jesus founded this Church, but ...
Going big and going early leads to an uptick in public interest and in those necessary donations. Unfortunately, it also ...
Israel markets itself as “the land of creation” — and for good reason. Israel is home to the Holy Land, to a plethora of ...
The Telegraph in fact owned/used two armoured Land Rover 110 vehicles – the need for the second shall soon become apparent.
Baptists celebrated church planters and new Mission Service Corps (MSC) missionaries at a Sending Celebration on Monday night ...
“This day reminds us of the radical vision for hope and peace that Jesus had. Few people are ... and meeting with other Christians on the Mount of Olives to pray on Palm Sunday.
KORKOR Once when he was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret, the crowd was pushing in on him to better hear the Word of ...
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is just around the corner, bringing the annual ritual of setting clocks ahead one hour. The time shift happens in March, marking the transition to longer, brighter days as ...
The 40 days of Lent represent the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert. This year, Ash Wednesday falls on March 5, a later date than usual. Fat Tuesday, aka Mardi Gras, is over, which means it's ...