However, if you take the time to understand all of the pitfalls and trials that many go through before reaching their goals, ...
Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909 ... Barack Obama (2009–2017) 6. “Tell the truth, work hard and come to dinner on time.” —Gerald R. Ford (1974–1977) 7. “No person was ever honored ...
One of the most common habits of people who are broke but pretend to be successful is living beyond their means. They often ...
Being confident was never about being perfect—it was always about being comfortable in your skin. Confidence is the feeling of owning a place; the feeling of trusting yourself till the very end.
For such times, we have a few success quotes to share with you ... "Believe you can and you’re halfway there." – Theodore Roosevelt 24. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as ...
Kindness is the best virtue an individual can have, and one act of kindness can spark a thousand more! It’s one of those rare things that costs nothing but actually has the power to change everything.