Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Vagabond is an incredible seinen manga series that is long overdue for an anime adaptation. The series, however, is still yet ...
Judging by Shanks' feats in One Piece, he should be the strongest character but one small detail has been a source of debate ...
Basically, Haki is a mysterious power, manifesting from an individual's willpower, which furnishes additional powers to one's attack. At the commencement of One Piece, when the devil fruits were ...
Shinichiro Watanabe's Samurai Champloo is filled with beautiful fight scenes and duels. But, these 10 will forever go down as ...
Oh! can explain, there's a major difference between the anime and real life. And that's not just down to drawing the perfect ...
While there's still no fully immersive VRMMO based on Sword Art Online, these video games are worth checking out for fans of ...
Arthur Boyle from the Fire Force series is another anime swordsman who can be categorized as simply too overpowered. While he uses a blade made of fire, he is fueled by his delusions, making him ...
Each of the Straw Hats in One Piece have faced death and trauma and here are the 10 deaths that shook the fandom and the ...
The One Piece community has spoken and ranked their top ten most handsome men, and while the result was predictable, some ...
The manga is based on Yamazaki's Fukushū no Uta (Song of Revenge) novel series published on Everystar, and the original manga ...
"Old" is a relative term; not everything millennials and previous generations hold sacred should be considered ancient just ...