The Next Generation truly found its footing in season 3 and began delivering consistently strong sci-fi stories.
The Next Generation wasn't the definitive ending for the characters, but it was the perfect ending for their TV show.
The Lorelei Signal, owing a lot to the Sirens of mythology, is a critical example of women taking the initiative and taking ...
The movie stars Frakes refers to are Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti. Hunter plays the captain and chancellor of the eponymous ...
In Star Trek franchise, there is no dearth of interesting props and the tri-dimensional chess is one such artifact that continues to spark curiosity among the Trekkies.
Prime Factors' wrote a check that Voyager's episodic nature could rarely cash–but it was still worth writing anyway.
Whether they're grouchy or graceful, these physicians help the heroes of Star Trek accomplish their space-faring missions.
A three-judge panel for the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit unanimously agreed with the Copyright ...
While it seems like the Klingons were always fully formed in Trek canon, “Sins of the Father” did way more heavy lifting than ...