Eighteen residents in Barangay Gunting, Barili town in southwestern Cebu, are currently confined at the local infirmary after contracting typhoid fever, with authorities investigating possible links ...
Local officials in Barili town, southwestern Cebu are now tracing the source of the typhoid fever that hit 18 people in a ...
What Is White Matter Disease? White matter disease is the wearing away of tissue in the largest and deepest part of your brain. The loss of white matter function has a number of causes ...
The new year is certain to bring the spread of infectious diseases – both new and old. And several factors make 2025 ripe for transmission in the U.S., including declining childhood vaccination ...
He developed a full-body rash, joint pain, fever, and drenching night sweats. His anemia worsened, and he was requiring frequent blood transfusions. Gould’s physicians were baffled; he was scared.