The 100% perfect IV stats for Totodile, including a preview of shiny Croconaw and Feraligatr, for March’s Community Day ...
An inventive Pokemon player creates an interesting convergent evolutionary line for the Dark/Fairy-Type pocket monster Impidimp.
These Stormfront cards take it to the next level, from the famous Charizard line to other early Kanto favorites.
Publisher The Pokemon Company and developer The Pokemon ... This new, battle-focused game will feature familiar mechanics such as Pokémon types, Abilities, and moves, creating an environment ...
Normal-type Pokemon always appreciate something extra ... some of the most valuable Sword & Shield sets is enough to top the charts, hinting that Gengar might be a bit unlucky to settle for ...
Goliath type of matchup due to Reis2Occasion's success ... It will be interesting to see how different these usage charts will look at the next event in early April as the new Might and Mastery ...
There are three types of Burmy you can find while you play Pokémon Go. Image via the Pokémon Company, remix by Dot Esports You can find Burmy in three distinct forms: Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak ...
Outdated YouTube strategies won’t cut it. Check out these updated expert tips for keeping your video content fresh and effective this year.
3. What types of Eggs are there? There are currently five main types of Eggs in Pokémon GO: 2km, 5km, 7km, 10km, and 12 km Eggs. Each type corresponds to the distance you need to walk to hatch the Egg ...
A talented Pokemon fan artist designs a new Fighting-type evolution for Eevee, one of the most popular critters introduced in ...