Pasteurization is an easy way to ensure bacteria is removed, especially with the rise of bird flu. Here's when you should ...
Check your refrigerator's temperature: To ensure your eggs stay fresh, make sure your refrigerator is set to 40°F or colder.
The rule is: If the eggs smell fine, it’s probably OK to eat them. “As long as the eggs are stored in the fridge, eggs shouldn’t spoil,” said Shelley Balls, a registered dietitian nutritionist for ...
Mayonnaise, that famous sauce we love to top our eggs-mimosa or to accompany crispy fries.... We've come up with a super ...
The average American consumes 277 eggs per year, so you’ve probably thought about the dozens of different ways to cook them, ...
Since Egg Beaters don’t contain yolks, beta-carotene is added to the product to give it a yellow color, mimicking the natural ...
Save yourself time scrambling for the best spot to keep your eggs fresh with this cracking suggestion from a fine dining chef ...
Going out to eat? See which Alachua County restaurants were rated best by inspectors, and which failed the test.
Going out to eat? See which Collier County restaurants were rated best by inspectors, and which failed the test.
Main Street Cafe, 205 N. Clinton Ave., St. Johns There was a high concentration of sanitizer in a pizza prep area sink.
If you’re a parent on the internet, chances are you’ve come across the completely mind-boggling viral Facebook post about an egg in a sock and how it can be used to ease a baby’s teething pain.