Although projected collections for the 2023-25 state budget rose by about $54 million from the November forecast, they ...
Pluribus News staff writer and former longtime public radio Olympia correspondent Austin Jenkins covered Chopp for many years ...
They don’t want school funding cut so that extremely wealthy people can keep enjoying a tax break,” said Senate Majority ...
The group staged a short noon rally on the Capitol Campus in Olympia that was coordinated with other agency locations across the state.
Democrats in the Washington state Senate kicked it off Thursday with a monstrous opening statement, calling for higher ...
Democratic budget leaders Thursday say new taxes on the rich and adjustments to property and sales taxes are needed to ...
Current seismic codes require public buildings to be built strong enough so they don’t fall down in a quake ... earthquake safety design because their workplace, the Oregon State Capitol, is ...
Washington Senate and House Democrats propose raising taxes and some budget cuts to balance a $13 billion budget deficit.
Democrats in charge of the State Senate and House released their separate operating budget proposals Monday, detailing how ...
Democrats in the Washington House released a plan Friday that could drive billions of additional dollars into state coffers ...