Far more comfortable with a bag of Ruffles than the ruffles of cupcake-decorating, the bar was set low as I walked into the ...
Sun-Times staff reporter Stefano Esposito tries his hand at cake decorating during a class at Wilton Sweet Studio in Naperville. Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere/Sun-Times Share I am British (on my mum’s ...
If you are someone who enjoys doing a lot of crafts, then you must know a few ways to make flowers, right? I’ve done quite a few craft projects lately and one thing that seems to always be included is ...
Keywords cake decorating, Norman Wilton, McCall's magazine, frosting techniques, decorating cone, pressure control, color combinations, flowers, Christmas tree, wildlife motifs Email us at footage ...
In the Cake Decorating project the 4-H member will learn and develop his/her skills for decorating cakes. Many areas of decorating are covered including, colors, shapes, techniques, designs, and much, ...