Jesus was not a white European-looking man, God has no problem with interracial marriage, and Latter-day Saints should ...
If they were trying to do this to an Islamic or Jewish group, this wouldn’t be allowed,’ the shepherd of Kansas City told ...
The defendant’s attack, motivated by race and color, instilled fear in not only the mostly Black congregants of the church, ...
A permanent committee of the conservative Presbyterian Church in America issued a statement earlier this week in the wake of ...
The Promise of a speedy trial hits its first roadblock as court doesn’t proceed as earlier scheduled. COURT NOTES | ...
Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version feature new Pokemon that players can catch, train and battle as they progress through the game, and some Pokemon can only be caught in one version ...
Abolitionists of all backgrounds and Radical Republicans ... Field Order No.15 because he believed it advantaged Black people over white. This has been the rhetoric for close to two centuries ...
For years vandals have targeted a number of Black Lives Matter signs at places of worship across the country ... been painting their previous black-and-white banner. After a few attempts at ...
Megachurch Pastor Jamal Bryant called a group of black supporters of President Donald Trump “runaway slaves” and “coons” on Sunday after they appeared to mock him at a recent Black History Month ...
Isaac Barnes is the drummer for local gospel group Melodies of Worship and, in celebration of Black History Month, he and his band will perform at Hood College as part of a pop-up art show on Feb. 28.