Me users can request the company to remove their genetic data from their database by visiting their profile's “Settings” ...
The Retirement Savings Lost and Found Database is designed to reconnect people with their misplaced retirement money.
Customs and Border Protection has stated that its officers do not do searches while network connections are enabled. But in ...
Former American football coach, Matthew Weiss, allegedly hacked into accounts of college athletes to steal their intimate ...
It’s not going to plan itself! And while I can do everything in my power to help you along the way, these road trip and camping apps are real lifesavers. I’m declaring these the 10 most important apps ...
On Thursday, Google and the Computer History Museum (CHM) jointly released the source code for AlexNet, the convolutional ...
Go to the “Settings” section of your profile. Scroll to a section labeled “23andMe Data” at the bottom of the page. Download your data: If you want a copy of your genetic data for personal storage, ...