You can cook Well-Done Steak by using the Portable BBQ Grill item from your inventory. Equip and then deploy the Grill to pull up a menu that allows you to Cook a Meal or Grill Meat. If you have Raw ...
Monster Hunter Wilds lacks a single base of operations, causing inconvenience for players. Players miss the traditional ...
One Monster Hunter Wilds player’s freecam view of the entire map has some convinced that Capcom’s hiding DLC locations in ...
The promise of any Monster Hunter game is twofold—there’s gonna be a ton of meticulously designed titans on offer, and you’re gonna get to smack the nuggets out of them with ...
Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase To Spotlight Everything Coming in Title Update 1. Here's when to tune in and what to expect.
I get the sense that the series' solution to the uncomfortable implications of its lizard bashing has been, over the last few entries, to evil-fy its creature design to the point where it engenders ...
Monster Hunter Wilds' Flying Wyverns are the most common Wyvern type, at least until Capcom adds new monsters and Wilds' ...
The best way to use great windward aloe is to trade it. Kilama in Kunafa village will trade you one Great Windward Aloe for ...
Latent Power is activated in two scenarios: If the skill is activated, the game will notify you via a small text box on the ...
Flying Wyverns are the most numerous Wyvern type in Wilds, though note that Rathalos, Gravios, and Rathian only appear in ...
The Chillshroom is an immensely rare mushroom found in exactly one location in Monster Hunter Wilds: The Oilwell Basin.