Reporters at the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism explain how they used data to reveal systemic gender-based violence in Eswatini in southern Africa.
-Меган Клемент • 13 ноября 2019 г. Любой журналист, подвергавшийся преследованиям, троллингу или другим нападкам в сети, хорошо знает ...
إذا أردت البقاء لمدة أطول فيجب أن تستطيع التكيّف مع التغيير. هذا المنطلق الذي بدأت منه مؤسسة أونا للصحافة والإعلام، المالكة لمواقع (مصراوي ...
The latest edition of our Top 10 in Data Journalism column also highlights the risks of nuclear war, drought in the Amazon, ...
Media organizations should focus on serving specific communities with shared interests and values rather than trying to reach ...
In this GIJN webinar, journalists will learn key strategies for probing the fossil fuel industry, guided by insights from GIJN’s forthcoming Guide to Investigating Fossil Fuels. A panel of expert ...
This investigation sought to answer key questions that no government could answer: How many migrants were dying in Europe's borderlands and where were they buried?
Se conocería como el “campo del horror”: un potrero olvidado en la provincia de Buenos Aires con cientos de caballos, algunos enfermos, otros desnutridos, muchos ya muertos. Era el año 2019 y, por un ...