Juntos Fazemos a Diferença A cantora Gaby Amarantos convidou o fotógrafo Bob Wolfenson para ir à Amazônia conhecer e retratar ...
Rio de Janeiro, February 24, 2025 – The Board of Directors of Vale S.A. (“Vale” or “Company”) has reviewed and approved today the list of nominees prepared by the Nomination and Governance Committee ...
A Vale Overseas Limited, uma subsidiária integral da Vale, em continuidade aos comunicado do dia 24 de fevereiro de 2025, informa o Valor de Pagamento Total (conforme definido abaixo), a ser pago no ...
Since the launch of the Ethics & Compliance Program four years ago, Vale has made continuous progress in promoting a corporate culture based on integrity, transparency and responsibility. Reaffirming ...
Since the launch of the Ethics & Compliance Program four years ago, Vale has made continuous progress in promoting a corporate culture based on integrity, transparency and responsibility. Reaffirming ...