Kasusnya terungkap ketika Kepolisian Australia melaporkan temuan video porno yang melibatkan anak dari Indonesia.
Case involves allegations of sexual abuse of minors, and filming and distribution of abuse videos on dark web in Australia.
Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, kepala biro penerangan Mabes Polri, mengatakan Fajar Widyadharma telah melanggar kode etik profesi, ...
The ex-senator and former Philippines justice secretary is on the comeback trail, after having spent nearly seven years as a ...
Seorang guru tewas dan enam lainnya terluka dalam serangan oleh pemberontak bersenjata pro-kemerdekaan di wilayah Papua yang ...
However critics said a more enduring solution did not require flashy proposals, just stronger anti-graft laws to ensure ...
Ataullah Abu Jununi, head of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army rebel group, was near Dhaka for months before his capture.
Namun, Presiden Prabowo Subianto kini menawarkan gagasan baru: mengasingkan koruptor ke pulau terpencil dan membiarkan mereka bertahan hidup sendiri.
Rakyat Malaysia gesa boikot rangkaian kafe teh China itu kerana tidak sensitif papar peta sembilan garis putus-putus di Laut ...
Indonesia’s newly revised military law expands the role of the armed forces in civilian affairs and undoes the ...
The Marcos administration subjected her father to “extraordinary rendition” by arresting Rodrigo Duterte and transferring the ...