Both in and out of work, Kim was a person with great warmth and humour who loved the Arts and was a regular attender at music festivals. Her family, friends and colleagues are struggling to come to ...
The British Psychological Society has appointed a new Chair for its Research Board. Dr Richard Stephens, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Keele University, told us he is looking forward to his remit ...
Could simply making a promise to be honest encourage people to behave in an honest way, even when there's a temptation to lie? A recent study in Nature Human Behaviour suggests that it can — but the ...
When the famed journalist and author Norman Cousins was diagnosed with a severe form of arthritis, his doctors gave him only 1 in 500 chance of recovery. Unfazed, he developed an unusual way to combat ...
Our mission is to support the development of Clinical Psychology, both as a profession and as a body of knowledge and skills. By working collaboratively with a number of organisations including the ...
The Practice Board is recruiting. The Practice Board acts as a responsive source of expertise, discusses current issues in psychological practice and engages in regular horizon scanning to proactively ...