The European Space Agency ESA today published new data from its Euclid space telescope. These used for a galactic census ...
From February 5 to February 8, 2025, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy hosted the 14th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Working Conference ...
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Adrigan, Manuela. When the woman dares to look: from an active female gaze to evil objects, 2011. (Klarer) Kolb, Andrea. Communication, characters and conflicts, 2011. (Klarer) Moresche, Carola. Close ...
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The Language Centre is a service facility of the University of Innsbruck and offers a wide range of language courses to students, university staff and external interested parties. Language exams ...
Masterarbeit von Kathrin Stanzl und Lukas Stanzl Betreuer: Dr. phil. Elmar Kossel M.A.
Bereits zum neunten Mal in Folge zählt die Universität Innsbruck zu den Top-Arbeitgebern in Österreich. Das hat ein Ranking, ...
Hochschulübergreifende Kooperation: Kooperationen mit anderen Hochschulen und Institutionen sind essentiell, um gemeinsam ...