Kayenta Formation - Wikipedia
The Kayenta Formation is a geological formation in the Glen Canyon Group that is spread across the Colorado Plateau area of the United States, including northern Arizona, northwest Colorado, Nevada, and Utah.
Kayenta Formation - U.S. National Park Service
Jul 6, 2015 · The Kayenta Formation consists of layers of reddish-brown and pink sandstone, and varicolored mudstone and siltstone deposited in streams and rivers within an arid environment.
The Kayenta Formation: Ancient Rivers and Modern Trails
The Kayenta Formation is located between two of the most prominent cliff-forming rock layers in canyon country. The Wingate Sandstone, immediately below the Kayenta, commonly forms vertical cliffs and is one of the most prominent cliff-forming units on the Colorado Plateau.
Through 1963 no exploratory drilling for oil and gas had been done within the Kayenta and Chilchinbito quadrangles nor has it been very extensive in sur rounding areas, but structural and stratigraphic data indicate that possible reservoir rocks of Paleozoic age underlie the report area.
Kayenta - Visit Arizona
Multiple parking areas along the way bring many of the park's most spectacular rock formations into view. Or set off on the only public hike in the valley, an easy three-mile loop trail that takes visitors to Mitten Butte, one of the most iconic landmarks of the American West.
Kayenta Formation - U.S. National Park Service
Dec 14, 2015 · The Kayenta Formation is a member of the Glen Canyon Group which also includes Navajo and Wingate and is the primary aquifer in the Moab area. Rock Strata Layer Above: Navajo Sandstone
Our Geological Wonderland: The Kayenta Formation, an ... - The …
Aug 18, 2019 · Most of the Kayenta Formation consists of thin to medium layers of fine-grained sedimentary rocks such as siltstone with occasional thin intervals of fine grained, cross-bedded sandstone.
Geolex — Kayenta publications - USGS
Apr 4, 2024 · Horn-like scutes have been found in the Kayenta Formation at several localities in the Rock Head quad, Coconino Co, AZ in the Plateau sedimentary province, that match an obscure ornithisician dinosaur of the Early Jurassic of southwest England.
STRATIGRAPHY - U.S. National Park Service
Jan 4, 2010 · KAYENTA FORMATION. The Kayenta Formation is a ledge-forming reddish-brown sandstone and is about 320-400 feet thick in the Circle Cliffs area. It caps most of the Wingate cliffs and forms extensive benches and slopes in the western and southern parts of the area.
Kayenta Formation facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia
Kayenta, Arizona is a settlement in the Navajo reservation. The Kayenta Formation is a geologic layer in the Glen Canyon Group that is spread across the Colorado Plateau province of the United States, including northern Arizona, northwest Colorado, Nevada, and Utah.