Is Sea Shepherd Its Own Worst Enemy? - ANIMAL PEOPLE FORUM
Oct 14, 2019 · The film, which began screening in the United States on October 1st, was directed and produced by Peter Jay Brown, Sea Shepherd’s longest-serving crew member and former first mate to Paul Watson. In an interview with Peter, we discussed the new film, his misgivings about Sea Shepherd’s post- Whale Wars trajectory, and the value of passion ...
The Brown Dog riots – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
Jan 1, 1998 · touched off the Brown Dog Riots, in Battersea, England, four years later. According to historian Peter Mason, the Brown Dog was a stray who was repeatedly used in demonstration surgery, without anesthetic, to show 70 medical students at University College, London, the workings of the pancreatic and salivary glands. The repeated use violated the ...
Nine-year-old is victim of first deadly dingo attack in 21 years
May 1, 2001 · Nearly two weeks after nightly bat shoots began, however, Australian environment minister Robert Hill, Australian Museum director Mike Archer, Deakin University wildlife management lecturer Peter Brown, and flora and fauna manager Robert Begg of the Victoria state Department of Natural Resources and the Environment were reportedly still seeking ...
Shows - animalpeopleforum.org
Jul 2, 2020 · The Animal People Forum offers people who care about animals a platform to network, learn, and share news and perspectives about animal rights, welfare, and conservation.
Fur farm raids, indictments, conviction – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 1998: MADISON, Wisconsin ––Peter D. Young, 20, of Mercer Island, Washington, and Justin C. Samuel, 19, of Snohomish, Washington, were on September 22 indicted on six counts of engaging in anti-animal enter- prise terrorism and extortion, for allegedly releasing mink from four Wisconsin fur farms between October 24 and October 27, 1997, and allegedly attempting ...
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, March 1997: Animals as Teachers and Healers by Susan Chernak McElroy Ballentine Books (201 E. 50th St.,
Animal Liberation author Peter Singer stirs the pot with essay on ...
Apr 1, 2001 · Other rips at Singer and “Heavy Petting” were distributed by New Republic contributing editor and George Mason University Law School teacher Peter Berko-witz; syndicated columnist Debra J. Saunders; and Rutgers University animal rights law professor Gary Francione, whose perspective is generally as far left as Lopez is to the right.
The Animal Rights Philosophy of Tom Regan, 1938-2017
Mar 17, 2017 · While protesting the Vietnam War, he became influenced by the non-violent teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, which together with the death of his dog Gleco compelled him to become vegetarian and study animal ethics. As a professor of philosophy at North Carolina State University, he worked closely with fellow animal rights philosopher Peter Singer.
January 1998 – Page 4 – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, Jan/Feb 1998: The Emily B. Shane Award, a $10,000 stipend, supports “conservation-oriented,
Peter Singer speaks against cruelty to fish - Animal People
Oct 1, 2013 · From ANIMAL PEOPLE, October 2013: (Actually published on November 20, 2013.) PRINCETON– –Princeton University bioethicist Peter Singer, whose 1975 book Animal Liberation helped to ignite the animal rights movement, recalled in a 2010 guest column for The Guardian, of London, that some of his first awareness of animal suffering came …