OpenSecrets is the nation's premier research and government transparency group tracking money in politics and its effect on elections and policy.
Donor Lookup - OpenSecrets
This database contains millions of records, so try to be as specific as possible when submitting a query as it will significantly reduce the time it takes to receive your results.
Congress - OpenSecrets
OpenSecrets.org coverage of the members of Congress. Industries & Interest Groups. Political Action Committees (PACs) Follow the money flowing in and out of political action committees, commonly known as PACs.
Congressional Races • OpenSecrets
The place for head-to-head campaign finance comparisons of candidates in every U.S. House and Senate race since the 1999-2000 election cycle. You can explore the relative size of their contributions, the top industries and interest groups supporting them.
Members of the 118th Congress - OpenSecrets
Fund-raising for the next election begins the day after the last election. This list of members of the current Congress includes their 2022 election cycle fund-raising totals from their latest FEC filing.
2024 Presidential Race • OpenSecrets
As we inch closer to the 2024 election, we begin to see groups working on behalf of each of the most serious White House hopefuls – leadership PACs, super PACs, 501(c)(4) dark money outlets and more – crop up and start spending in support of their favored candidates.
Candidates & Officeholders - OpenSecrets
Politicians need votes to win elections and reelection, but they also need money. While an individual's vote carries an expectation that the candidate will look out for constituents' interests if elected, a campaign contribution may carry an expectation that the money will be repaid in the form of favorable legislation, less stringent regulations, political appointments, government …
Research Tools - OpenSecrets
Dive deeper into campaign finance data and investigate, manipulate, and create custom data displays using our Research Tools.
Congressional Committees • OpenSecrets
Industries & Interest Groups. Political Action Committees (PACs) Follow the money flowing in and out of political action committees, commonly known as PACs.
Get Local! - OpenSecrets
These profiles can show you who's making the big political contributions in your state, as well as where the money's coming from (by city, by zip code, and graphically with our “money maps”). You'll also find links to a money profile of your senators and representative, with a detailed look at where their campaign warchest came from.